1st award in national Public Power Corporation S.A competition “New Power Plant in Sarakina peninsula, in the former municipality Mandamados, Lesvos island: optimal development study of the power plant, the land and sea access and the environmental impacts from the construction and operation of it”


Office “Dr. Loukas Dimitriou & Associate Engineers”, 2014

Project team: Dr. Loukas Dimitriou – Civil engineer Phd, Alkmini Agadakou – Civil engineer Msc, Dimitrios Zacharakis – Civil engineer Msc, Rita Georgakopoulou, Architect engineer Msc


The competition included the spatial organization and layout of the new Electricity Power Plant, including transportation and the environmental impacts of construction and operation. The study consists of seven alternative layout alternatives, which are analyzed, estimated and compared in order to be led to the most prevalent layout.

As far as the architectural part of the approach is concerned, my aim was the most respectful and discreet incorporation of the new industrial plant into the morphology of the area, both architectural and geographical. The architectural heritage of the island of Lesvos, and specificaly in the municipality Mandamados, in combination with its proximity to a Special Protection Area (SPA) ​Natura 2000 – 92/43 /EEC of the European Community- are strong models that are taken into account throughout the study. This requires the mildest possible intervention in the region, so as not to disturb the balance of the ecosystem.

The establishment of a large scale settlement would form an architectural language that would define the peninsula and be the result of accessible forms covering the functional necessity of the industrial plant.

Design intents to treat the station as a set of tasks that consists of a self-sufficient and innovative plant, sustainable and evolvable, as well as functional and ecological. The infrastructure is formed at levels, following the inclination of the slope. Furthermore, the provision for subsequent development of the station and integration of future extensions, without requiring new study and conversions, is an important factor in the study.

The dominant architectural approaches follow common guidelines, including hierarchy and location of the leading functions, including inner transportation network and the mechanical connection between them. The integrated study of the site and technical requirements of the project, led to the rational development of plans and movements. Additionally, there is a study about the optimum connection to the island road network, a safety road as well as a firewall at the perimeter of the station. The coastal development of the power plant is necessary, involving offshore projects and marine roads, due to the technical needs and the requirement of sea access.